Cordless Drill & Auger Setups On The Best Ice Auger For Cordless

In winter ice fishing with your friends and loved ones, is the most appealing picnic you can ever enjoy. If you are a professional angler then you shouldn’t miss the chance of catching the enchanting fish in the winter season.

Doesn’t matter if you are ice fishing in your leisure time or do it professionally an ice Auger is a must-have for you.

I never miss a chance to catch my favorite species in the winter season from ice by drilling holes. But!!!

What If Your Ice Auger Has Broken? 

Sounds horrible right? Yes, it does because Ice Augers are expensive tools to drill holes in the ice to catch fish.

You spend hundreds of dollars to buy an Ice Auger and it just breaks what would be your feeling. I can feel that pain as I went through this situation a few years ago.

It feels like you are left with no options and you have to throw your expensive Ice Auger away and opt for a new one.

But!!! I have a cool idea…

Optimal Cordless Drill Ice Auger Combination



Yes, I am here with a mind-blowing idea that always works for me. I have decided to reveal the hack I use whenever my Ice Auger is out of order or broken.

This is one of the best setups that always worked for men and never let me down. I make this combination when my Gas/electric or propane ice auger is out of order.

Cordless Drill Options For This Setup: My Choice


You cannot just pick any random cordless drill and start drilling holes in Ice to catch your favorite fish.

Not all drills are made to work with Ice Augers therefore you must make a wise decision. Because if you choose a cheap drill you will end up wasting $250-$300.

During research I found some guys comparing multiple cordless drillers but trust me it’s not going to work. You have to invest in high-quality tools.  

If you go with K-Drill, you would already know that only a few models are supported by K-Drill.

Rounding up all, you need to pick a solid drill with enough power to handle an Ice Auger.

I would recommend you choose either Milwaukee or DeWalt as they are durable and promising brands.

DEWALT 20V MAX XR Hammer Drill Kit



DEWALT 20V MAX XR Hammer Drill Kit is my choice because it is supported K-Drill. It is also the top choice of people who fish in the hard water.

After using the DEWALT DCD996P2 Cordless Drill hundreds of times you can sell it at a high price. If you resell your equipment at a perfect price then what would be perfect than that.

The DEWALT DCD996P2 Cordless Drill features 2 large Li-Ion Batteries for cordless use. It is also engineered with a side handle to use with convenience.

Regardless of the thickness of the ice, you can drill as many holes as you want.

If you want to secure the battery’s life then keep them warm. It’s a common thing you would already know but I thought I should mention it.

The DEWALT DCD996P2 Cordless Drill works perfectly fine with batteries included in the box. You can drill as many holes as you want to catch your favorite species.

But still, if you are a professional angler and want to drill numerous holes for massive fishing then consider a huge battery. Otherwise, it’s hard to beat the quality and performance of the DEWALT DCD996P2 Cordless Drill.

We are talking about a combination of a cordless drill and an Ice Auger. So we should have some options for Ice Augers.

Ice Auger Options To Use With Cordless Drill 

After choosing the right cordless drill you need to choose an Ice Auger of high quality. Again I have two options for you because we should always have multiple options.

You can either buy the complete setup (Ice Auger and an adapter) or you can purchase both of them one by one.

If you go with the first option then you can consider the K-Drill, Flight, or the Eskimo Pistol Bit setups. Or you can consider the Strikemaster Lite.

I found them easy to use, lightweight, convenient, and an ideal choice for the fisherman who doesn’t have enough time to set up things manually.

StrikeMaster Lite-Flite Lazer Drill Unit 8” /LFLD-8


K-Drill 8.5” Auger Only IDRL85


I would prefer to choose the second option by purchasing the Ice Auger and adaptor separately. For this first of all choose the Auger and the Cordless Drill and then to connect then buy an adaptor.

This combination is nice and makes you save more money. You can find an ic Auger for fifty to a hundred dollars and an adaptor attachment for twenty to twenty-five dollars that’s collectively a fair amount.

If you go with all in one package you have to pay the double amount.

There is one thing worth mentioning, the plate at the top of the Ice Augers. With all-in-one Ice Augers, you get a pre-fitted top plate to prevent equipment from getting under the hole completely.

While in the second option you need to arrange the top plate yourself. The plate prevents your Auger from breaking down which can cause adaptor failure.

You can search for DIY hacks to make the plate on your own. You can use either the lid of an ice cream bucket or a paint bucket as a top plate. It’s really an economical idea.

After testing both options you can notice the difference. One is economical but you can face a small number of issues. It will be fin for you if you do ice fishing occasionally.

But if you are a regular angler and never miss a chance to catch species under ice then going with the complete package (including an Ice Auger and adaptor) would be perfect.

In the second case, I would prefer StrikeMaster Lite-Flite Lazer Drill Unit 8” /LFLD-8.

The Best Combination Of Hand Ice Augers With Cordless Drill

There are two options available for the best Ice Augers in the market I found great.

Strikemaster Lazer and Eskimo are two of the great options you can consider while choosing the Ice Auger for the combination with the cordless Drill.

I would prefer Eskimo due to its durability and sharpness. You can get both Eskimo and Strikemaster Lazer for under $100. Even sometimes you find Eskimo for $50 that’s unbelievable.

Both Eskimo and Strikemaster Lazer are affordable but if we compare both of them we find Strikemaster Lazer relatively expensive.

Strikemaster Lazer is also durable and sharp at cutting the ice holes. You would find Strikemaster a little bit expensive so you have Eskimo as an alternate choice.

Which Cordless Drill Adaptor You Should Choose? 

After choosing the appropriate hand Ice Auger and a cordless Drill you need an adaptor to connect both of them.

You can find multiple options for ice augers and drill adaptors.

Make sure to have the right adaptor for your setup because it can make or ruin the whole setup.

The ice auger drill attachment or adaptor is not that much expensive. But having the right product for the right tool is something that makes sense.

If you won’t pay attention while choosing the adaptor, you may end up wasting the whole setup.


The Best Cordless Drill & Ice Auger Combination 

If you want me to recommend the ideal setup for catching fish under frozen water by using a cordless drill and an Ice Auger then go with the list I made.

I chose DEWALT DCD996P2 cordless drill and the Strikemaster Lite-Flight combo. It may seem heavy but you would love this combination.

The DEWALT DCD996P2 cordless drill with the Strikemaster Lite-Flight combo works perfectly fine if you drill multiple holes per day to catch fish.

The speed and performance of the above combination make your day worth each penny you spend.

The DEWALT cordless drill with the Strikemaster combination pays its price within a day when you return home with a bucket full of fish.

Final Thoughts 

An Ice Auger that comes ready to use is always an ideal choice for anglers on the way. But sometimes it happens when an expensive Auger breaks down and you are left disappointed.

It’s not the time to get disappointed and throw your Auger in the trash. You can still use the parts of a broken Auger.

If you like my cordless drill and Auger set up on the ice, please let me know in the comment session.

If you have ever tried this kind of hack, also let me know in the comment session.