How To Change Thumbnail On Facebook Video 2022

Here we will guide you the best and easiest ways about How To Change Thumbnail On Facebook Video which would be very useful for you.

Facebook is a social media application that is popular in the whole world and it has billions of users. After the survey, our researchers found that there are 2.6 billion monthly Facebook active users. These users are busy giving good and positive content to Facebook.

All users have different purposes to use Facebook and they enjoy its content. People love to connect with the entire world and like to make more friends.

Some Facebook users like all celebrities of every country also use this platform to get more fame. They share their outing videos, stylish and sexy videos to attract their fans, busy routine of life, etc.

There are some users of Facebook who just watch the videos and like to enjoy the content. Those Facebook users who want to connect with more and more people through this social media platform put their efforts to provide unique content. They take an interest to edit videos and upload them on their Facebook account or Facebook page.

Why do You need To Upload Facebook Videos?

If you are interested to get fame and want to earn through Facebook, then you need to learn many things. Like you have to make a plan about content and think that which type of content will attract people.

Similarly, you have to make a schedule to upload your posts and easily get a lot of viewers and followers on Facebook. Hence, if you make a plan of everything and you have decided that you will upload the unique videos on your Facebook page.

Then you have to learn How To Change Thumbnail On Facebook Video because the attractive thumbnail will help you to get a lot of viewers on your uploaded video.

But before going to our main topic, we need to learn why thumbnails are necessary or how to attract people? Similarly, we should know how to make a unique thumbnail for our Facebook video? So, let’s get started.

Why Are Thumbnails Necessary?

Thumbnails are the main and important thing you see about a video or a picture. Because thumbnail is a particular part of the video or a specific image that can attract plenty of viewers.

The thumbnail image enhances the interest of Facebook users and encourages them to play/watch the full video. A thumbnail is a small-sized rendition of a picture or video that has been anointed so, as its size resembles that of a human thumb.

The label/title of the video ahead with the thumbnail plays a major part in the video commerce system. As you know that more viewers or audience on your video will enhance you’re earning in online marketing.

You can also share your website’s links with your marketing video on Facebook which will help you to get more traffic on your web page. Hence, you can easily grow your online marketing business which will make you a rich man.

Learn To Change Thumbnail On Facebook Video On Mobile

Now the important is How To Change Thumbnails On Facebook Video, so let’s take a look at it.

There are three methods to make your Facebook video attractive, interesting, and amazing by using a thumbnail. You have to choose any one which you like to apply on your Facebook video. To choose the thumbnail video or image for your Facebook video, you need to follow some steps, these are as follows:

1: If you want to use personalized thumbnail pictures:

You need to be creative and create unique videos and after editing, you can upload your video to your Facebook account or page.

  • For thumbnail selection, you have to move to the media section, here you can click on the “Edit Video” option.
  • Now you can choose Thumbnail from the “menu” that will be on the left side of your device’s screen.
  • here, you need to ensure that automatic is selected from the menu.
  • Now you can simply click the “Save” option and continue to create your ad.
  • When your ad is authorized, Facebook will pick up to three thumbnail pictures from your video and dynamically provide the most suitable one to each user founded on their probability to react.

2: If you want to manually upload a thumbnail picture:

You have to create your video ad and then upload it on Facebook by using the upload video option.

  • Next, you need to go to the Media section, here you have to click the “Edit Video” option.
  • Now you have to select Thumbnail from the menu that will be on the left side of your device’s screen.
  • Now you can click “Manual” and then click “Upload” options.
  • Hence, you will be able to upload an image that fits with your video.
  • Now you can use the “Save” option and then click the continue to create your ad.
  • When your ad is endorsed, your thumbnail picture will be displayed to people before the video starts and after it finishes.

3: If you want to select a thumbnail photo from your own video:

You need to be creative and create a unique+interesting video ad and then upload your video by using the upload video option.

  • Now move to the next step and go to the Media section, you have to click on the “Edit Video” option.
  • You can select Thumbnail from the menu.
  • Now you will see numerous images from the video that will arise on your device’s screen.
  • You can select the one that nicely describes your video to all viewers.
  • Now you can click on the “Save” option and then continue creating your ad.
  • Again when you see that your ad is authorized, your thumbnail photo will be delivered to people before the video beginnings and after it finishes.


If you want to make money through Facebook, then you need to learn many things. You have to learn social media users’ minds, need to know their interests, and then think of some creative ideas. If you get success in all points, then you can create unique and interesting posts or videos and then upload them to get an audience.

As you know that the thumbnail on creative videos plays an important role to attract people. You need to learn How To Change Thumbnail On Facebook Video and then upload your video to get views.

Facebook users will see the thumbnail and will watch your video for their benefit. The method to change the thumbnail on Facebook video is not difficult and all the steps are explained well in the above section.