How To Lower Lawn Mower – Deck Blade 18V Toro Wheels Height

If you’re wondering why your lawn Managing lawnmower height is necessary to keep your yard fresh and green all the time. We give multiple tips through which you get an idea that how to lower lawn mower easily.

Keep in mind that if you don’t lower the lawnmower according to the yard’s needs, then it will damage the grass and leave patches during mowing. We outline a few tips which can help you to lower the lawnmower.

5 Best Steps To Lower The Lawn Mower

With the below-listed points, you can easily lower your lawn mower no matter whether it is a riding lawn mower or a push lawn mower. These steps include:

Step 1: Park Lawn Mower In Straight Area

It is necessary to park your riding lawn mower in a flat surface area. Also, make sure that the engine of the lawn mower is switched off, and ensure to remove the ignition key as well.

Furthermore, if it is possible to remove the spark plug then do it for better safety precautions. After doing these safety precautions, you need to wait until the engine of the lawnmower cools down.

Step 2: Adjust Lever

Now it’s time to locate the levers for wheel adjustment of the lawnmower. Keep in mind that lever adjustment is located between the mower deck and the wheel.

Moreover, an electric lawnmower has only a single adjusting lever, whereas a powered lawnmower has levers on each wheel.

Step 3: Use Tape Or A Ruler

You must need to ensure that you have a ruler or tape with you before adjusting the height of the mower. How to fix lawn mower height adjustment?

When you have with you measuring tape or a ruler, then make sure to measure the overall height of the blade. It should be measured from the ground.

Step 4: Adjust The Height 

When you successfully measure the lawnmower blade height, it’s time to set the mower height according to the type of grass you want to cut. You can easily adjust the mower height on a gasoline-powered lawnmower because all four wheels have levers.

But in electric lawnmowers, you only have one lever for height adjustment, which also easy to adjust the height of the mower. Can you lower the blade on a lawn mower?

To lower the lawnmower, you need to move the lever in a backward direction. Moreover, if you want to increase the mowing height then you need to pull the lever in the forward direction.

There are also different numbers given on the lawnmower which you can check while lowering the lawnmower height. Keep in mind that these numbers on the mower represents various distances in inches or cutting heights.

Step 5: It’s Time To Test

When you lower the lawnmower height, then it’s time to check the mowing experience. All you need to do is simply mow a small part of your yard and check whether the height of the mower is correct or not.

Also, you can check the height of the mower while using a measuring tape or a ruler.

Best Lawn Mower Height For Multiple Types Of Grass

Undoubtedly, the right lawnmower depends that which type of grass you are mowing. To get the best mowing experience you need to understand the specific height of the lawnmower for each grass.

This grass-type detail includes:

  • Bermuda Grass – 1 inch to 2 inches or 2.54cm to 5cm
  • Tall Fescue – 2 1/2 inch to 3 1/2 inch or 6.35cm to 9cm
  • Zoysia Grass – 1inch to 2 inches or 2.54cm to 5cm
  • Buffalo Grass – 2inch to 3inch or 5cm to 7.62cm
  • Kentucky Blue Grass – 2 inches to 3inch or 5cm to 7.62cm

When you adjust the lawnmower blades in between these parameters, then you will surely get clean and healthy grass.


Adjusting the lawnmower height is important for you to get a healthy and clean grass cut. With the above steps, you get an idea that how to lower a riding lawn mower.

Also, the above tips are not only limited to riding lawnmowers but can use on any model of lawnmower. Moreover, you just need to know which type of grass you want to mow and then adjust the mower height according to it.

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