How To Stop A Dog From Eating Everything

Humans and dogs have been sharing a beautiful bonging for years. They belong to totally different environments but still, they are good friends and share an honest relationship. We love to keep dogs due to their friendly cute nature and genius instincts.

But dogs have a scavenger’s nature that is hard to control. They think to snarf everything down that comes in their way. Your dog might have this nature too that leads him to eat everything.

You are wondering how to stop your dog from eating everything that comes in a way. Well, it’s hard to control the nature of any species but still, there are some ways I will share.

What a dog can eat from the outside?

People throw trash outside that attracts a dog and he starts scavenging. This trash can include fast-food wrappers, chicken bones, toxic nuts, dead birds, rotting sticks, and much more.

These things can be toxic and create health problems for your dog. Your dog is innocent having a natural instinct but you can only prevent him from eating these toxic items. It might be challenging to prevent a dog from eating everything in its nature but you can try these seven steps.

How to stop a dog from eating everything

Teaching your dog “leave it”

The most important part of your dog’s training is the command of “leave it”. If you successfully teach your dog this command then he will understand that he is not allowed to take that particular item. You can train your dog with several items also make sure that he responds in a similar way.

You might have been thinking that you have tried it before but useless. Giving your dog command is one thing and making him obey your instructions without getting affected by the environment is the second part. Therefore you can work on this part or hire a trainer for this purpose.

Reward your dog after paying attention

This is another great method to prevent your dog from eating everything. Whenever you take your dog for a walk in the yard or ground take some exciting items with you.

Whenever your dog feels distracted by the nature and he starts searching for something to eat then offer him something special. You can offer your dog a piece of bone, fresh chicken, or a small piece of steak.

This will make your dog pay attention to you without getting distracted by the nature. Also whenever you will call him he will respond quickly as you are having his favorite items to eat or chew.

Walk-in areas with fewer temptations

Your dog can find things to eat almost everywhere due to natural instinct. But there are always some areas full of toxic and dangerous items your dog can eat. You need to avoid those areas that are worse than others in this case.

You can choose the areas having less rush where people haven’t thrown fast-food wrappers or other toxic things. You can choose roadways to avoid maximum risk.

People’s lawns and parks are full of toxic items your dog can get distracted by. Therefore choosing a roadway can keep your dog safe from eating bad things.

Make eating an adventure for the mind

It’s hard to control the natural habits of your dog but you can give yourself a chance. Dogs who are prone to eat everything can be distracted by nature items. They love to use their nose and find food as it is an adventure for them.

You can create adventurous moments for them to keep their instinct alive. You can spread their food in the backyard and allow them to search and eat. This activity will make them happy by giving them an adventurous feeling. You can also devote half portion of your kitchen for the dining of your dog.

Do some nose work with your dog

You can keep your dogs as they love to use their nose for multiple purposes. In this exercise, you have to hide their treat and order them to find it. It will work like finding a treasure for them and they will enjoy this game.

You can also do it by holding their treat in one hand and then allowing them to choose your hand. If they choose the right hand they will find a treat. These little tricks work far better than expensive dog training sessions. Also, it will develop a strong bonding between you and your dog.

Slow down your dog’s eating

You can find multiple slow-feeder dog bowls specially designed for them to slow down the eating process. With this kind of bowl, your dog has to work hard to eat his favorite food items.

This action tricks their mind and makes them habitual of slow eating. Slow eating always controls your emotions while eating your favorite food. It works perfectly with both humans and animals. It provides the mental stimulation that prevents them from eating everything available outside.

Use a muzzle when there is no option left

It is safe to use a muzzle while having a walk with your dog. It allows your dog to sniff, walk and enjoy freedom without getting sick. You don’t have to worry about people who think that your dog is aggressive.

The most important thing you need to consider is the health and happiness of your dog. You cannot make him stop walking outside because it snarfs everything down. Don’t let your dog bored in your backyard or living room couch. Grab a plastic muzzle put your hesitations aside and take him for a walk.


Dogs are always cute and leave a healthy impact on our lives. Many modern kinds of research have shown that having a dog can make your lifestyle better. Dogs remove your anxiety and depression leaving your mood relaxed and fresh. But what about a dog’s health?

Don’t you think that your anxiety repellent needs extra care? Of course, he does and you need to be extra careful about your dog. Ensure regular vet visits to keep your dog healthy.

We have shown above seven ways you can consider stopping your dog from eating everything. These are effective ways that can keep your dog healthy and happy.

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