How To Tie A Hook On A Fishing Line? Complete Guide

Do you know how to tie a hook to a fishing line? If don’t then you need not worry because in this article I am going to teach you some easy and quick knots you can practice easily. You can try these knots and practice often so that when you are in a hurry you don’t miss a single moment.

No matter if you are a fishing angler or a troller if you don’t know how to tie a hook on a fishing line you cannot catch a fish successfully. If you want to catch a fish successfully whether you are a professional fisherman or just hanging out with friends you need to learn to tie a hook. Tying the hook to a fishing line is the key to catching fish successfully without wasting too many baits.

Benefits Of A Nicely Tied Hook

When you know other important factors of fishing like reeling the line, casting the rod, and casting the bait then you would think hook knots don’t make a difference. But you are wrong a hook knot can make or destroy your whole fishing experience.

Here is how it can affect your fishing experience…

  • When you are tying your hook nicely you can reel in big fish
  • With nice knots, you can hook fish easily and correctly
  • If you tie your fishing hook to the line properly you can lose fewer hooks
  • A nice knot used to tie a hook on fishing line can save you from getting frustrated

The Knotless Knot


One of the most simple and easy solutions to your hooking problems is the knotless knot. It is a simple and quick solution that always works in situations when you have no time to design a hook knot. So whenever you think you want a simple, quick yet easy knot then a knotless knot should be your choice. 

  • First of all, you have to cut the line according to the required size of your fishing leader and then loop the end of it. 
  • After that, you have to tie the loop to insert the bait afterward. 
  • In the next step, you have to insert the other end of the line in the eyelet of the hook from the front side to the back. 
  • The next step is to hold the shank and wrap the line around the hook 8 to 10 times. When you are wrapping the line at the hook make sure it is directed towards the end of the hook and shank. 
  • After that, you can hold the other end of the line and pass it through the eyelet of the hook and leader line. 
  • The last step is to tighten up the knot of the hook to ensure you don’t waste bait and lose a fish again. 

The Palomar Knot


In order to secure your lures and baits you can use other kinds of knots. But when it comes to tying your hook on a fishing line then The Palomar Knot is the best option. If you are using a braided fishing line then The Palomar Knot would be helpful in particular.

  • Get started by making the loop of your fishing line by folding it up. Now string the loop onto the eye of the hook.
  • Now continue by making the knot with slack. This knot must be an overhand knot.
  • Now it’s time to move the loop portion around the end of the fishing line.
  • To secure the knot you can pull and fix the fishing line.

The Stopper Knot


The stopper knot comes to help you when you want to use slip bobbers. You can place this knot just above the bobber. After that, you can adjust it according to the depth of the fishing.

  • Begin by assessing about a portion of a foot of the line.
  • The plug ought to be attached and lined up with the line. Make a circle with the line by backtracking.
  • Fold it 3-4 times over the two lines (go the line through the open circle each time).
  • Pull the two closures to fix it.

The Blood Knot


The blood knot is not specifically used to tie a hook or a lure. The blood knot is meant to tie two fishing lines of different sizes securely. But in some cases, the blood knot can also tie your fishing hook quite securely.

  • Line up a couple of creeps of two labels close one next to the other and fold one over the other multiple times (at least).
  • Next, wrap the other line five additional times on the first. Bring the last details through the opening in the center.
  • Pull on the two finishes firmly until the loops meet up however much they can.

The Surgeon’s Knot


Just like the blood knot, the surgeon’s knot is also recommended to tie fishing lines. But in the case of blood knots, the fishing lines of different lengths are attached. And in a surgeon’s knot, two fishing lines must be of the same size. Here we can use a surgeon’s knot to tie a hook on a fishing line.

  • Cross over every one of the lines by a few creeps on top of each other.
  • Tie a straightforward overhand bunch, making a circle.
  • Put both label finishes and pioneers through the loop twice.
  • Pull to fix each of the four pieces together.

The Double Surgeon’s Loop


In end, we would love to include this strong and secure knot. The double surgeon’s loop knot gives you freedom from worrying about security and tightness. You just start fishing and your hook is secured. This knot offers you a strong and secure loop at the end of the leader.

  • Crease over the finish of your line to make the favored size circle.
  • Tie one overhand bunch and leave it open so you can go the circle through it.
  • Hang tight and loop. Pull them until the bunch is cozy.

Important Tips

No matter which type of fishing line, hook, or fishing knot you choose you should be careful about some points.

  • Follow the instructions and guidelines properly.
  • Before fixing the knot you should add some moisture to it.
  • Grab the fish hook properly and keep an eye on the hook eye.
  • Cut down the excess line after tying the knot.
  • Keep practicing.

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