Rocket French Review – Does it Really Work?

English and French language are the two most common ingredient of communication. People feel hesitant to speak or communicate with another region of the world, and this is because of their different languages.

As you know, in this era there are more and more opportunities for almost every person, you just need to grab them on time. Most people are willing to learn the french language but they shy to learn this language. Rocket language is here to help you to enhance or boost your french learning skills in a short time.

If you are one of those dedicated people who want to learn french then rocket french review is here for your help. There are various unique and attractive audio lessons, from which you can boost your french learning skills efficiently.

What is the Rocket Language platform?

You will learn new techniques which boost your french language easily and this rocket language platform will help you. It is one of the popular and efficient platforms full of teaching techniques of new languages. This platform is also an award-winning platform that works only digitally.

You will learn a french language with a rocket language platform with fun, so you can get the outcome according to your wish. There is numerous course offered in the rocket language platform with various lessons in audio format and also there are unique exercises to make sure your language learning progress.

Effective features and teaching lessons of various languages are fully structured for your easiness in learning the french language. There is not the only French language in the rocket language platform, there are a huge collection of new languages where you can easily learn language skills and can develop your french language instantly.

Author of Rocket French Platform?

This platform is initially established in the previous decade,2004. Jason Oxenham is the creator of the rocket language digital platform. After successfully establishing, he wants to change techniques and strategies for every type of person.

Jason also struggles to learn language skills of french because he is not a French native. All the hurdles which he faced during the learning process of the french language, he put all his experience in this platform, so you can easily develop your French language skills.

He decided to take help from one of his friends, Mark to make this language platform unique and best. After his hard work on this platform, there are currently more than one million users around the world and this happens because of the simple and attractive structure of the rocket language courses.

How does this Rocket language work?

Rocket language platform provides unique and strong development skills of different languages, but keep in mind that this platform will give you service digitally, so for this, you need a personal laptop or your mobile.

Rocket language is popular because it focuses on four major skills, like reading, listening, writing skills, and speaking. Other than rocket language platforms are only offers writing and reading skills, but with rocket language platform you can easily develop your language skills fast.

There is full availability of various tools and resources, which are necessary for every student who enrolls in the rocket language platform. Also, there is a total of 70 different teams who are desperately want to develop your language skills like English, German, French, and much more.

This experienced and professional team of members wants to boost your language skills which are based on the unique research that how people can easily learn new languages with joy.

You will get real-time opportunities to learn the French language and also you can see your daily progress in the dashboard of the rocket language platform.

It will give you some words or phrases which you need to repeat or relate with your day and also there are writing tasks for you, so you can instantly develop your French language skills. Rocket language platform offers are:

Unique and Amazing Audio Lessons

There are attractive and best graphics while learning language skills and this is because users get more attached and take interest in colorful things. With rocket language, you need to give your feedback on every audio lesson during your speaking sessions.

Online and Digital Dictionary

If you have to face any issues while learning a new language then this dictionary will help you to translate your specific words or phrases.

Each lesson audio

From the audio lessons, you will know and understand how to correctly pronounce the words or phrases in your desired language. You also have an option to download all the audio format lessons, so you don’t have any issue connecting with the internet.

What is included in Rocket French Platform?

Different and Amazing Course Levels

If you want to continue to rocket french then you will access three-course levels. There are different levels named, such as premium, premium plus, and platinum.

Each level has its difficulty, and when you pass one stage then the other stage will be more difficult. These levels of courses are the best strategy to learn the french language as a beginner user.

Unique types of lessons

There are also three types of lessons level, which are named: interactive lessons in audio format, language culture lessons, and other survival kit lessons for you. Further survival kit lessons are divided into various modules and each module has a maximum of 8 audio lessons.

Also, there are additional 7-8 modules for language and culture lessons, it is because you can learn more and more things to understand the French language easily.

Attractive Audio Lessons

The lessons in the French language are recorded by two random french speakers, it is because you will know how to respond promptly. There are numerous French phrases or words, which you can remember and then later pronounce in your practical life.

It is an amazing and unique strategy. With this conversation, you can easily understand what they are discussing and how they react to their queries. It is the best and strong practice for you to fully understand the french language.

Culture lessons

In this session on culture, you will be taught the grammar of french culture. It will include some long explanations of debate in the french language and you need to understand the grammar of each text.

Some Reinforcement Activities

At the end of the rocket language lesson, you will face a special reinforcement session, where you can practice all the things which you learned before. There are a total of five activities for you such as: hear it, say it, write it, know it, an important step is Flashcards.

Benchmark Special and Fun Test

At any point in the learning stage, you can easily take the special benchmark test. There you can receive a different series of questions on your screen and the amazing thing is that you only have three lives. If you answer wrong, then one life will deduct from total lives.


When you answer correctly, your overall score of learning will be high and also you can track your progress in the French language in the dashboard of the rocket language platform. But keep in mind, taking a benchmark test in a week is beneficial for you, and with this strategy, you can easily determine your french proficiency.


If you take full access to the rocket french then you get an amazing bonus too. This bonus you will get is the list of audios, where you can find a different section of french learning.

These audio lessons are further divided into vocabulary, grammar, and dialogue sections, so if you are a beginner to french language then these bonus audio lessons will help you additionally.

Is this Rocket French legit or a scam?

It is a digital platform where you can easily learn the french language and this platform not only provide lessons for only one language but there are also different language course, which you can learn any time or any place. There are more than thousands of people only in the US, who are currently using the rocket french language.

They are fully satisfied with the rocket french language and also they recommend it to others who want to develop and boost their language skills. Also, if you found any difficulty or face any issue during your lessons, then you have the option of a refund.

This platform includes different sections of grammar, pronunciation, phrases, words, and random french speakers. All these strategies are worth your time or money, and it got an overall 4.5 ranking app. All these strategies make this platform legit and also you need to take the rocket french language from the official site.

The Pros and Cons


  • Comprehensive and Detailed Courses of different languages.
  • It is user-friendly because it is only a one-time payment.
  • User-Interface is easy to understand and compatible with all your devices.
  • Each course is an integrated approach.
  • The design of the courses is perfect for the human learning process.
  • While learning your languages, different colorful graphics never let you bore.
  • The lessons are available every time in your pocket, you just need to find a place and develop your language skills.
  • You also have a refund option and you can use this option in the first 60 days of your purchase.
  • It is the best digital and affordable platform, where you can easily enhance or boost your different languages.


  • Rocket french language will need your learning dedication.
  • The interface of the rocket french language needs some improvement.
  • Also, there are some inaccuracies in some audio lessons.

Listed Questions Answers

1. What is the actual cost of Rocket French Language?

Answer. There are three different pricing plans of rocket french language and they start from $19 to $259. Each plan has its services, which you can take to develop your language skills and communicate with others confidently.

2. Is the rocket french language is good?

Answer. There are lots of platforms where you can learn language skills, but rocket french language is the overall favorite and popular platform because of its services and easiness during each language lesson. Also, it is more affordable than others language platforms. There is a variety of different techniques which can help your language skills effectively.

3. Any promo or discount code available for the rocket french language?

Answer. There is a total of three different pricing plans and each plan offers various services, which can easily attract language lessons. There are different services for learning a language and all these services are covered at an affordable price tag. All the pricing plans are included after the discount.


Now you get all the related information about rocket french language and also you know that this is a comprehensive program for every type of students who wants to learn french language.

If you want to continue your French language skills, then this platform is an expensive asset for you. The lessons and techniques of learning different languages are solid and it is overall the best platform than other programs.

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