Tenpin Bowling Terms – List To Understand Basics Of Bowling

Tenpin Bowling terms have some unique bowling terms like every sport. Every bowler must know these bowling terms to become a good player of bowling. Without knowing it, he cannot become a skilled and professional bowler.

In this article, we will provide you with a detailed list of tenpin bowling terms. Must read it to become a professional bowler.

Tenpin Bowling Terms:

Backup ball: A backup ten-pin bowling ball curves left to right, for a right-handed bowler and vice versa.

Brooklyn: A right-handed bowler who throws a bowling ball hitting the left pocket (1 & 2 pins) instead of the right pocket(1 & 3 pins) is calling Brooklyn. For a left-handed bowler, it is the opposite.
Heavy shot: It is one of the bowling terms in which a  bowling shot hits too many front ten-pin bowling pins causing them to split.
Hook: When the ball travels straight and curves in towards the pins as it approaches the bowling pins.

Light shot: When the ball hit the bowling pins closer to the 3rd pin than the 1st pin for right-handed bowlers and vice versa, it is called the light shot.

Lofting: When the bowler releases the bowling ball high above the lane, it is called lofting.

The angle of Entry –  It is out of the ten-pin bowling terms which is the direction towards which a ball takes moves while hooking into the pocket. Ball.

Carry— The capacity of the bowling ball to bring down much more pins.

House Ball— Bowling balls that are offered by the alley, in contrast to a ball that you have bought yourself.

6-Bagger is one of the bowling terms. When a bowler throws 6 strikes in a row, it is called 6 Bagger. Three to Eleven can come before this term in place of six. This is more frequently used amongst Bowling Terms.

Count: The number of bowling pins knocked over and added to the strike or Bowling Spare from the last frame.

Double:  When the bowler throws two strikes in a row, it is called double.

Hambone/clover/4 bagger): Four consecutive strikes are called Hambone.

Spare: Knocking down all the pins in two attempts. This is from popular bowling terms.

Strike: Knocking down all the pins in the first attempt. A well know bowling term is this.

Strike-out: Three consecutive strikes in the last frame is known as a strike-out.

Turkey: Three strikes in a row is described as turkey.

Five-Bagger— 5 successive strikes.

Sixpack— 6 succeeding strikes.

Bedposts or goalposts: The 7 – 10 split is known as bedposts or goalposts. It isn’t easy to convert into a spare.

Big Four: Bowling pins 4-6-7-10 standing split is known as the big four. It is also very hard to convert into a spare.

Conversion: This is one of the bowling terms which is used to describe a spare i.e. 7-10 conversion.

Field Goal: It is the miss in which the ball sets two pins wide apart.

Headpin: The first pin of the bowling frame.

Pocket: This is an ideal area to hit and bowl a strike. This is part of bowling terms there, for right-handed bowlers, it is 1 and 3 pins, and vice versa for lefties.

Split— When a couple of or even more pins continue to be standing immediately after the 1st ball, but with space within them. It is usually quite hard to knock them both down and pick up the spare. The 7-10 split is the more challenging, and others differ in complication.

These are the bowling terms generally used in the game of ten-pin bowling.

Approach: The process of moving in the direction of the bowling lane before releasing the bowling ball. It is the location immediately before the start of the foul line.

Blind – In the absence of a team member in the bowling league, usage of his average with the penalty, is called blind.

Boards— One-inch vast shreds of wood that you can find around the width of the bowling lane. There are 39 boards overall and are figured in from right to left for right-handed bowlers. (Lefties number from left to right.).

Clean Game— An activity with zero open frames, that is, in which all the frames are perhaps a strike or spare.

Dry– Lanes that have been used with minimal oil. This triggers the ball to hook more than the ordinary.

Fingertip— A bowling grip in which your fingers are only put in up to the 1st joint. It causes even more hook but is much more difficult to manage. For this factor, it is a grip for advanced and intermediate game players.

Foul Line— The line that denotes the beginning of a bowling lane. It is known as a fault, and zero pins are scored if your foot crosses the line. It is from important bowling terms.

Handicap— Normally kept for league play, and this phrase regards many pins included in your real score that is implied to even the playing area for bowlers of varying skill ranks. Handicaps are what crafts are bowling so comprehensive; anyone can contend against anybody else despite their experience.

Moat— One more way to describe the gutter.

Open— a frame whereby the bowler does not attain a strike or spare.

Open Bowling— Bowling for entertainment, rather than a league or tournament.

Perfect Game— A game of 300, only achievable by throwing 12 continuous strikes.

Revolutions— Describes the number of spins a bowling ball undertakes its way down the lane.

Rotation— The spin applied to the bowling ball about to deliver.

Sandbagger— In handicap league bowling, a bowler intentionally maintains his or her average down so regarding getting a greater handicap. This method is discredited.

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