Shapeshifter Yoga System Reviews – Does Kris Fondran’s Program Work?

A healthy body with perfect shape is a dream of every woman. Women think that fat makes them ugly and ruins their personality. So, they try everything to get a slim body.

Hundreds of program available on the internet that provides the facility to learn yoga, but all are not good. Those all programs just waste the time and money because of many reasons.

Like a proper training is not included in that programs. It is also said that they do not provide a good way to get a slim body with perfect shape.

Whereas the shapeshifter yoga system is the world’s best online system. This system has a lot of fan following that gives positive reviews. So, let’s take the complete overview of this special program. That’s why we will discuss it deeply and will try to show the real side of this product.

What Is Shapeshifter Yoga System?

Shapeshifter Yoga System is an online program that teaches everyone the best positions of yoga. This special yoga program comes with a bundle of benefits. It helps to shape your body within few days.

You can use this program to get the perfect figure which you were dreamed of. This system provides complete guidelines and tips to shape your body. Moreover, it helps to keep your diet healthy by providing health according to tips.

This system provides you a way to manage your time for yourself. Moreover, you will learn about yoga and several positions which will help you to get a slim body with an awesome physique.


This online program is very effective and useful for everyone. It provides you complete help with its awesome content. So, this program increases your knowledge about exercise.

The complete guidelines will benefit you to fulfill your desires. Because it helps to lose weight without changing your diet. You have no need to eat a specific food. Because it keeps your body healthy and makes it strong without any problem.

The use of the Shapeshifter yoga program will not create any issue because this program is effective, useful, and helpful for you. It helps to transform your body into a slim physique with perfect yoga exercises. This special system helps you to reduce body fat within few days.

Author Of The Shapeshifter Yoga System:

Kristine Fondran (Registered Yoga Teacher, Yoga instructor, Exercise Physiologist) has introduced the Shapeshifter yoga system. She has 10 years of a master’s degree in exercise science.

She claims that this product is perfect for those women/girls who want to get a slim, and perfect body shape. She presented the system with all yoga knowledge and exercises to ware girls about yoga.

She also claims that this program helps you learn basic things about yoga positions. It will lose weight within few weeks. It reduces body fat and helps to get a perfect physique.

She made this system with her own knowledge, opinion, skills, and provides it to everyone. She also defines that this program is helpful for beginners. It has scientific techniques which teach you about yoga positions and movements.

This system consists of the modified yoga that provides easy motions, moves, pain-free exercises. You will get full of energy, sharpness, and focus as well. Moreover, this system helps your body to achieve a lean, toned, and beautiful body. Thus, it improves the flexibility and posture of your body.

What Is Inside The Shapeshifter Yoga System?

This complete program is available on the official web page and you can order it simply. It contains a bundle of content that will helps you to learn the best yoga positions. Moreover, you will get a perfect body by following the system charts and techniques.

This system contains on manual, PDF, Videos, and audio that helps you to learn and everything without any issue. Let’s take a detailed overview of the Shapeshifter yoga system content.


This original program comes with complete guidelines that provide a lot of benefits. It helps to learn the basics of yoga and helps you to understand the several ways to lose weight. You will achieve positive results after following this manual.

It contains several chapters which provide you the exact knowledge of yoga and its scientific positions. From this eBook content, you will train yourself for daily exercises, it will increase your interest in yoga, and you will prepare yourself for proper training.


This yoga program contains videos in which the yoga poses and best exercises are defined clearly. The author herself recorded these videos that contain the proper exercises. Each step is defined and all poses help you to learn it better.

You can watch and understand all the exercises and achieve the final results. All the confusion will be far off about yoga and it will increase your knowledge as well. Moreover, you will train yourself in a better way.

PDF Pages For Yoga Poses

The Shapeshifter yoga system also contains on PDF in which you will get knowledge about yoga poses. If you want to read about yoga, then you will get the benefits of this content.

The yoga poses and best exercise positions are clearly defined in these files. You can read which pose will more benefit you to get a perfect body shape. All guidelines, steps, tips, and techniques are defined in it.

Program Videos

In the program videos, you will learn more about the program and its benefits. All the overview about this original and beneficial program is defined. Moreover, you will learn how this program provides positive results. Which method will more benefits you? Similarly, you will be sure about it and encourage yourself to follow it.


The shapeshifter yoga program contains beneficial content in which you will get a complete chart. You will understand the perfect time for yoga activities, exercises, best diet, and best positions from this chart. Everything is defined with the best timing and the schedule will most beneficial for you to follow the program.

Diet Plan

The diet plan is also described in this special yoga program. This program helps you to learn which food will be good at which time. The breakfast, lunch, and dinner schedule is given in it to follow and get the best results.


This program helps you to provide knowledge about exercises. Several exercises are specially used for specific body parts. Such as the belly shape exercises, thighs, booty, legs, chest, arms, etc.

All body parts have specific exercises that will just benefit the specific body parts. Thus, you need to understand which exercise will benefit you to lose the overall body fat.

Some exercise just helps you to shape and tighten your body. So, this program aware you follow the best exercises which will benefit you to achieve your goal.

Audio Packages

The yoga program also helps you to provide you complete knowledge about body activities, exercises, and special techniques through the audio packages. This content will be beneficial for you in the complete session.

How Does Shapeshifter Yoga System Work?

This genuine yoga program is created especially for beginners. After reading the content which it provides, you will understand that how it is beneficial for beginners. Each step is clearly defined in videos, PDF, eBook, audio, chart, etc.

So, this program works properly and helps you to learn about the basics of yoga. You will learn how yoga benefits you. How you can lose weight within few days.

It comes with all the guidelines, tips, tricks, and yoga techniques according to the science. The helpful content is provided and you just need to follow each step. The program helps you to do exercise at the perfect time.

This system helps you to learn which food and diet plan is best during the session. Moreover, it provides you a way to get a lean, slim, and perfect body without pain. You will use the program and then practice in a daily routine of life.

Thus, you have no need for any pills or weight loss medicine. Because the yoga activities and exercises will more benefits you within few weeks.

Note: If you are suffering bone pain or bone cancer, then you need to consult with your doctor.


In Shapeshifter Yoga System, you will get some additional content such as extra videos, a manual, charts with more details, and audio. The program offers bonuses to learn more about yoga activities, exercises to lose weight, a perfect diet plan, a wall chart, which helps you to increase your knowledge.

A short course is provided to try the program whether it really works on you or not. So, you can use it for few days and feel the change in your body. The advanced flow classes will help you to achieve the body shape that you want.

The advanced techniques also added in this program bonuses to burn your calories without extra effort.

This program also comes with Ninja techniques to improve your body make it flexible. The sleeping plan is also added in its bonus and helps you to get more benefits to shape your body.

Is Shapeshifter Yoga System Legit Or A Scam?

This yoga program comes with beneficial and helpful content. It provides guidelines, tips, and tricks to shape your body without any pain. It helps to flexible your body and teaches you how to stretch it.

Moreover, you can learn which yoga pose benefits which body part, You have a good chance to learn the best exercises and yoga activities that will be beneficial to you.

So, this program is legit and it is really helpful. All the users have positive reviews and they find it helpful than all other programs. The shapeshifter yoga system is not a scam because everyone admires it.

It provides all the helpful activities of yoga through videos, audio, wall chart, and manual. It helps to maintain your body weight and gives a perfect shape.

Pros And Cons Of Shapeshifter Yoga System:


  • This program is useful and helpful for everyone.
  • The women can use this program and follow all the techniques to lose weight within few weeks.
  • Its videos and manual content helps everyone to learn the best pose of yoga.
  • It provides guidelines that help to avoid bad exercises and follow the helpful activities.
  • It makes you slim, lean, increases energy level, enhances the stamina of your body, and shapes your body by losing weight.
  • Moreover, it keeps you healthy by some tips and secrets that you will apply to your body movements and diet.
  • It helps to manage your time and sleep well without any hesitation.
  • Moreover, all the yoga benefits are included in this program such as you can be more active, sharp your mind, stretch your body, make your body flexible, and you will become responsible than before.
  • The program comes with 60-days money-back guarantee. So, you can easily order the program and use it for few days.


  • It does not work like a magic and you cannot get the most effective results after few days. Because it requires time to give you better results.
  • You need to follow it properly, otherwise, it will not benefits you.
  • No physical form of this program. You can just use it on your laptop or smartphone.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Does The Shapeshifter Yoga System Really Tone Your Body?

This program provides you a complete package of yoga activities. It contains helpful content in which includes videos, manual courses, audio guides, and some beneficial tips to tone your body, lose body fat, weight, and get a slim body. It really works and researchers found it the most effective program.

2. What Is The Cost Of The Shapeshifter Yoga System?

As it is a helpful and useful program for all, it is not costly. You can order this genuine yoga program for just $77. A complete package with bonuses will benefit you.

3. Does It Helpful For Beginners?

Yes, this special yoga system is really useful and helpful for beginners. All the yoga processes and activities are clearly defined in it.


After Shapeshifter Yoga System Review, you can understand all about this program. All the confusions and questions were resolved clearly. So, this yoga program is helpful and also useful for all beginners who want to learn about yoga.

It helps them to learn about daily exercises, yoga activities, poses, and best positions to lose weight, belly fat, thighs fat, etc. So, the program clearly defines the basic intro of yoga through videos. Moreover, this system contains on the yoga poses with some guidelines.

These guidelines and easy steps help you to avoid any bone infection or injury. It is a complete package that enhances your knowledge and helps you to get a lean, toned, and slim body without any pain.