How To Clean Oticon Hearing Aids

How To Clean Oticon Hearing Aids – Easy Guide

A hearing aid allows disabled people to enjoy the sounds of life. If you are disabled and cannot hear sounds you would feel lonely. I know you are abled differently but you shouldn’t be missing the cheerful sounds of life.

You can hear the joyful screams of your kids when they find something exciting. You can hear the horns of vehicles while crossing the road. You can hear the beautiful chirping sounds of pretty birds.

You can hear the sound of beach waves and the sparkling ocean. You can hear everything if you get a hearing aid. A hearing aid makes your life much easier as compared to the past.

But you should not forget that a clogged and damaged hearing aid can become a piece of trash for you. You would have spent hundreds of dollars to get that reliable and effective hearing aid.

But if you don’t take care of your equipment you would lose that amount and opportunity to hear the charming sounds of nature. A clogged hearing aid may deliver distorted, broken, or unclear voices. It may result in inno sound when your hearing aid is clogged with earwax.

Today we will learn how to clean Oticon hearing aids. In this article, we will try to discover easy and reliable methods of cleaning Oticon hearing aids.

How To Clean Oticon Hearing Aid – Detail Instructions:

In the case of behind-the-ear hearing aids can be cleaned with non-alcoholic wipes. The wipes should not contain alcohol as a cleaning agent. The behind-the-ear hearing aids are designed with a hydrophobic layer that is sensitive to alcohol. You can use wet wipes or a soft cloth to clean these types of hearing aids.

On the other hand, you can use any type of wipe to clean in-the-ear hearing aids. But make sure you don’t use any harmful chemicals that can destroy your hearing aids.

If you don’t have ready-made wipes you can use a soap solution and a piece of cloth. Wet the towel with the soap solution and clean your hearing aids.

When cleaning your hearing aids you should take care of some important facts. You should not use a piece of cloth that is drenching. You should never let water drops enter your equipment or you will lose your hearing aid.

Important Instructions

  • If you have to take the temperature from your ear then you need to remove the aid first. You should remove the hearing aid first then check the temperature. Because the hearing aid may interrupt the results. You don’t get accurate temperature results if the hearing aid is inside the ear.
  • Your hearing aid is composed of several parts which need to be maintained properly. If you don’t take care of your hearing aid you would lose the money you have invested in them.
  • Make sure to clean the hearing aid with a soft, gentle but dry cloth.
  • Your hands must be clean and disinfected before handling the hearing aids. After washing your hands with an antibacterial soap dry them and then handle your hearing aids. You can also wear disinfected hand gloves.
  • The opening of the microphone is prone to get blocked. So whenever you experience a problem in hearing sounds make sure the microphone opening is unblocked.
  • When you are handling or cleaning your hearing aid make sure to choose a soft surface. If you accidentally drop your aid it won’t get damaged. But if you don’t take care of the surface hardness then you can damage your aids by dropping them accidentally.

Why Clean Your Hearing Aids?

Wax builds up in your hearing aid which is why you need to clean it. Clean your hearing aids so that they keep doing their jobs well and you don’t miss even a single note. Earwax is not a bad thing because it helps lubricate our ears.

Earwax is a kind of natural oil produced by the body to keep it soft and lubricated. That’s why you shouldn’t be afraid of earwax all the time. But, in the case of a hearing aid, earwax builds up and clogs the ventilation opening of the sound outlet of the hearing aid. As a result, you hear a distorted and unclear voice.

You have made a great investment in your hearing aids. The hearing aids are manufactured to long last. They are reliable, comfortable, and long-lasting but maintenance is the key. You need to take a few minutes every day to clean your hearing aids so that they keep working.

Your hearing aid may come with a wax filter to prevent wax buildup in the opening. Check that wax filter and if it is clogged replace it. After removing the hearing aid filter make sure to replace the same type of filter. If you don’t find the same filter or you are not sure about that, contact the hearing aid service.

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