Learn Sanskrit Yoga Poses – Names And Pronunciation

Sanskrit is actually a classical language of Hinduism or India. It is mostly used in religious literature and many modern Indian languages are derived from the Sanskrit language. 

The Sanskrit language is used in Yoga which is considered the original language of yoga because all yoga asana helps to understand the yoga poses.

You can learn all the yoga poses names in the original Sanskrit language in your yoga class. You have to attend yoga classes regularly and then try to understand all the Sanskrit Yoga Poses with meanings and practice. 

Most of the Yoga Experts use the Sanskrit names of yoga positions or asanas with the theory in their classes. But the beginners will be confused about all the poses whereas Sanskrit doesn’t need to be scary or confounding.

It is really viewed as perhaps the most wonderful language and can undoubtedly be separated to assist with clarifying the significance behind the stances/poses.

In today’s discussion, let’s discuss the Sanskrit Yoga positions with their real name and the English translation. This information will benefit you, so don’t ignore it. 

Common Word Of Sanskrit Yoga 

The word “Asana” (Pose) comes first when we think about yoga. It is used in Sanskrit Yoga Class in which the students learn all the original yoga poses names. Asana is mostly used instead of the pose because the word is very sweet and shows the reality of yoga.

Moreover, the “Asana” word uses at the end of every yoga pose word. In Sanskrit Yoga Poses, there are some names of Body Parts Names in Sanskrit language, Tree Names, Birds Names, etc. So, you can understand all the names easily by attending some yoga classes. Let’s discuss some common Sanskrit Yoga Poses names with their meanings. 

10 Common Sanskrit Yoga Poses Names 

There are some common yoga poses names with an English translation and you should learn them first. These are as follows: 

1: Chaturanga Dandasana 

This is the most common Sanskrit Yoga Pose which means “Four Limb Staff Pose”. This Yoga poses affect the Arms and Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps, Lower Back, Hamstrings, Core (Abs), and the Pelvic.

This yoga pose provides wonderful benefits to your body. Hence, it builds heat in your arms, shoulders, lower back, and hamstrings.

This heat improves the balance and makes your specific body parts more challenging. Moreover, this yoga pose will enhance the flexibility and also strength of your wrists. 

2: Adho Mukha Svanasana 

This yoga pose is very common which means “Downward Facing Dog”

This affects your back body including the lower back, hamstrings, heels, calves, glutes, and also hips. Moreover, you have to use your hands because this yoga pose develops strength in your shoulders, wrists, and also back muscles.

It benefits your lower body and also your upper body. Moreover, this pose will stimulate your blood flow by improving circulation. You can make this pose easy by using a chair, by keeping your knees bent, by making small movements, etc. So, beginners can also try this exercise easily. 

3: Savasana 

This yoga pose means “Corpse Pose”. In this yoga pose, you have to lay down straight on the yoga mat and relax your body. You can practice this yoga pose to calm your nervous system, immune system, and also digestive system. 

The relaxation of your body, muscles, and brain will help you to get rid of headaches and body pain. Moreover, this yoga position will help to lower blood pressure levels. 

4: Urdhva Mukha Svanasana 

This very common and important yoga pose means “Upward Facing Dog” and it affects your shoulders, low back, forearms, and triceps.

This yoga position is very special because it opens your chest cavity. Moreover, it stimulates your abdominal muscles and also strengthens the back muscles. It can prevent stress injuries and helps to relieve back pain. 

So, you can easily practice this yoga pose by adjusting your hands, inhaling and exhaling, engaging your legs, distributing your body weight, etc. It is a very simple pose and every beginner can easily try it. 

5: Virabhadrasana 

This Sanskrit yoga pose means “Warrior Pose” and you have to use your arms, legs, ankle, shoulders, and back. You will feel comfortable in this pose and it helps to open your chest, hips, and lungs. You will learn to improve your focus, stability, and balance. 

Moreover, you will feel the full energy in your whole body and also stretch your ankles, belly, neck, shoulders, groins, arms, and legs. This yoga pose improves respiration and circulation in your body. This pose has three levels and all the levels are effective. 

6: Trikonasana 

This Sanskrit Yoga Pose means “Triangle Pose”, and it benefits your mind, body, muscles, etc. This pose will enhance stability by activating your core muscles. You will learn to stretch your spine and lengthens which can reduce stiffness.

Moreover, it opens the shoulders and hips by improving your body’s metabolism. This special yoga pose can improve the stimulation in your digestive organs. Similarly, this pose helps to relieve all the tension, stress, and reduce the anxiety from your brain or body muscles. 

7: Tadasana 

This yoga pose is also very common which means “Mountain Pose” and it is also a very simple pose. This pose helps to improve your body posture, improve your balance, get good strengths to your knees, thighs, and ankles. You can practice this pose to tone up the tummy and your butts. 

This pose will help you to boost your mental awareness, increase your height, boost the energy level in your body, and improve breathing. 

8: Paschimottanasana 

This yoga pose which means “Seated Forward Fold”, and affects your hamstrings, lower back, and also hip muscles. It will also relax your mind and body by stimulating your liver, uterus, ovaries, and kidneys.

Hence, it improves the digestive system and helps to relieve menstrual discomfort. This seated Forward Fold position is very simple and everyone can practice it. 

9: Setu Bandha Sarvangasana 

This pose is so common and also it is popular which means “Bridge Pose”. You have a chance to practice this pose and strengthen your ankles, legs, back, and glutes. 

You can practice it to open your chest shoulders, neck, and also spine. It helps to calm your body, eliminates stress, and also depression. Moreover, this yoga pose also improves the digestion in your body. 

10: Utkatasana 

This most common Sanskrit Yoga Pose means “Chair Pose” in which your lower-body muscles will be used such as thighs, hips, glutes, waist, pelvic region, abdominal area, etc.  

This pose helps to strengthen your calves, spins, thighs, and ankles. This pose will develop the core strength in your body and muscles, helps to provide the stability to your joints, also build heat and energy, and improve breathing as well. 


All the Sanskrit Yoga Poses are important in yoga exercises and you can easily learn them. There are hundreds of yoga positions that will improve your muscles and also provide you health benefits.

You will never understand all yoga poses or asanas in a short period of time because it is a process and it takes time. So, you have to start to learn from the basics and then move to the practice which will help you to understand each move in a better way.

Thus, 10 Common Sanskrit Yoga Poses are described in this article. You can learn the basic things before joining the yoga classes. 

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